About Us

NovaKultura Consulting

Arts and Culture Expertise

NovaKultura Consulting, based in the Washington, DC metro area, brings a combined 35 years of experience in applied research and evaluation to the arts and culture consulting field, with deep connections to national arts and cultural organizations and agencies.

We possess expertise in managing federal research contracts, and designing national arts and culture research projects for Congress and the White House, as well as private sponsors.

At NovaKultura Consulting, we understand the importance of actionable data and clear and concise reporting for a broad public audience.

We understand the importance of actionable data and clear and concise reporting for a broad public audience and we specialize in continuous, solid research that underwrites Federal and local investment in arts in communities.

Our team has extensive experience with social, economic and cultural data from federal, state and local administrative sources. Our work serves as the foundation for cultural research in a variety of areas including:

  • public library services;

  • cultural heritage preservation; and

  • city-based local investment in arts and culture.

We are innovators who employ a wide range of methods to communicate the value of the arts and humanities. Our services include:

  • GIS mapping

  • data visualization;

  • quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; and

  • focus groups and participatory planning.

We are always looking to develop new tools and avenues for our clients to use data to communicate the value of the arts and culture sector.