Data Tools and Visualizations
At NovaKultura Consulting, we are always looking to develop new tools for our clients that employ data analysis to communicate the value of the arts and culture sector. We are ready to help you express yourself in a variety of mediums and in any forum.
Museum Stat Data Visualization Tool
MuseumStat is a powerful online resource to support museums, communities, and researchers in gaining useful insights into MuseumStat is a powerful online resource to support museums, communities, and researchers in gaining useful insights into the scope and reach of museums and the communities they serve. MuseumStat contains information on over 33,000 museums combined with community metrics on every census tract in the United States. MuseumStat is built on a geographical information system (GIS) platform that is designed to be intuitive and useful to a wide range of users and will continue to grow in its scope of features and information.
Beta release - September 2015.
IMLS Open Data Portal
The IMLS Open Data Portal hosts a wide array of administrative and statistical data holdings gathered by the agency. The portal includes IMLS grant recipients from 1996 to 2013; three successive waves of the U.S. Museum universe Data File; a database of IMLS Freedom of Information Requests and 20 years of survey data from the Public Library Survey of the United States. Offering more than the data alone, the site lets users build original reports and visualizations of the data, and it enables web developers and/or "hackers" to grab APIs of these datasets for the purpose of styling new apps. The IMLS data portal can be found at:
Release date - January 2015.
Museums for America Case Studies Videos
As part of a multi-method evaluation of the Museums for America Program, the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation funded a series of video case studies of six grantees from across the country. The same team that managed the survey of past grantees and conducted in-depth interviews and did field work. Each case study is listed with the corresponding video.
Network Map of Public and Private Giving in the Arts in Florida
Network Map of Public and Private Giving in the Arts in Pennsylvania
Network Map of Public and Private Giving in the Arts in West Virginia
National Endowment for the Arts
Senior Staff Dashboard
Charting application success from 2005 - 2016
Public vs. Private Funding in the Humanities
Data covers years from 2000 - 2010.