Lesley A. Langa is a cultural policy researcher with fifteen years of experience working for national cultural organizations such as the National Gallery of Art, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Heritage Preservation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. She has also consulted for the Smithsonian Institution Accessibility Program (SIAP) and the Smithsonian Center for Digital Learning and Access (SCDLA). Her focus is on the objects protected by our cultural organizations, and how they draw in and communicate to audiences. She brings a breadth of skills to the job, with skills in qualitative and quantitative research, having used a variety of methods including, archival research, focus groups, interviews, sample surveys, program evaluation and technology/website testing. Ms. Langa holds a PhD from the iSchool at the University of Maryland, College Park and received a Master’s Degree in Art History from Florida State University. Her research has been published in Curator, Museum Management & Curatorship, First Monday, and presented at the American Alliance of Museums, the American Library Association, the iConference, the Museum Computer Network, and the Visitor Studies Association.